
Every fun-filled day at camp starts on the right track with our learning program. The shiurim are prepared by our professional chinuch staff and presented by our trained counselors and specialty staff. Each day our campers explore a topic in Torah which builds on the previous day’s learning, leading to an entire topic covered by the end of each trip. Camp shiur provides a unique learning opportunity beyond school walls to strengthen understanding of Torah concepts. It affords time for love of learning to take root as each shiur group is kept small enough for individual understanding to be addressed. Lessons are presented in age-appropriate, practical ways by shiur counselors who are excited to share meaningful ideas through Torah sources.

Some of our innovative programs include:

  • Shabbos stories and Divrei Torah
  • Guest speakers
  • Monthly Chinese Auctions
  • Shabbos Torah Tournament
  • Games and projects to reinforce the lessons
  • Inspirational fast day programs